Edit custom robots.txt for blogger/blogpost index fast

Hello, if your blogger user and you want to edit a custom robot txt and header tag for a blogger. So in this article, you will learn, How To Edit Custom Robot Txt And Header Tag In Blogger?

we explain custom robot text step by step. you need not worry about your site indexing on the google search engine. Just you have to follow this post clearly.

What is a robots.txt file?

Custom robot txt: Crawlers and indexing your site fast on the google search engine. it helps to grow the audience on your site and post, pages. Do SEO strategies on your site.

Robots.txt is a text file that informs web crawlers (spiders or bots) about which parts of a website or blog to be crawled and which parts should not be crawled. That file is known as a robots.txt file.

Edit custom robots.txt for blogger/blogpost index fast

Robot.txt header tag help to a website or blog, post, page and archive. Which pages and posts should be indexed in the google search engine?

For example, you may have a file for internal use – and it is of no use for the search engines. You don’t want this file to appear in search results. Therefore, it is prudent to hide such files from search engines.

Below are three images related to robots tag where you can enable each as your requirements of a website or blog. I suggest enabling the header tag which shows in the images below.

Custom tags for home page
Custom robots tag for archive and search pages
Custom robots tag for post and pages

If you successfully enable robot tags to your site, Now you have to edit custom robots.txt file below step by step.

Why robots.txt file too important for index on google

Robots.txt file play major role in crawling your website. Where you allow search engine bots or crawler to your site, where what allowed data or link of your website goto index on google search engine.

Robots.txt file contains directives which all the top search engines honor. Using these directives you can give instructions to web spiders to ignore certain portions of your website.

Also you can disallow some link which should not be no search engine or public.

How to Edit Custom robots.txt file for blogger

if you have already listed the website on the Google search engine. You have doubts about why not show page or post in Google search.

Here we clear all doubts about you.
Open a browser and go to https://blogger.com and open settings Scroll down there you found Custom Robot text.
Click on it and open it there you have do these settings.

Add or edit robots.txt for blogger step are following.

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Sitemap: http://example.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=UPDATED

  • Go to your blogger dashboard
  • Open Settings > Search Preferences > Crawlers and indexing > Custom robots.txt > Edit > Yes
  • Here you can make changes in the robots.txt file
  • After making changes, click the Save Changes button
  • Open the settings of robots.txt file
  • Copy the above code or txt file to the robots.txt section
  • Edit your site map https://example.blogspot.com/ than leave as at is.
  • Now you successfully edit your site robots.txt file you can check
  • URl. http://www.yourblog.blogspot.com/robots.txt

Details and explanation for robots.txt file


Following wildcard characters are often used in robots.txt files.

* means all, everything

/ means root directory


This directive indicates the web crawlers to which the settings in robots.txt will apply.


It directs the web crawlers not to crawl the indicated directory or file. For example

Disallow: / would tell the web crawler not to crawl anything in your blog (because you’re disallowing the root directory).

Disallow: /dir/* would direct web crawler not to crawl any file under /dir/ directory.

Disallow: /dir/myfile.htm would direct web crawler not to crawl myfile.htm under the dir folder. Crawler will crawl all other files under the dir directory.


Thi directive special asks a web crawler to crawl a particular directory or file of a particular blog site. For example:

Disallow: /dir/myfile.htm

Allow: /dir/myfile.htm

meaning of the above two lines is that the crawler should crawl /dir/myfile.htm

The first line bars the crawler but the second line again allows the crawler to crawl website.


So when you update above all settings or apply these on your site, you’re site or blog will able crawling by google bot. Also read this article too learn seo for blogger

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Professional digital marketer and SEO experts. Enthusiast to write articles on WordPress tutorials, SEO, all about related to build a website.

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