How to get google AdSense approval [ fast approvals]

To be eligible for AdSense, your website must meet certain criteria. First, your site must be online and accessible to the public. Second, your site must be well-designed and user-friendly. Third, your site must contain original content relevant to your niche. Finally, your site must be free of excessive advertising. If your website meets all of these criteria, you can apply for AdSense and start earning money from your website.

The good news is that “Getting approval of Google AdSense for a new blog is now really easy” if you adhere to some rules starting with your blog. My first attempt failed to get approval. These rules have allowed me to get an AdSense account. After thinking about this topic, I decided to share the basics of AdSense.

How to get google AdSense approval
How to get google AdSense approval

how to get google AdSense approval fast

Your website must meet certain criteria. First, your site must be online and accessible to the public. Second, your site must be well-designed and user-friendly. Third, your site must contain original content that is relevant to your niche. Finally, your site must be free of excessive advertising. If your website meets all of these criteria, you can apply for AdSense and start earning money from your website. you must have to consider adsense approval checklist

how to create AdSense account

  • You will need to create a Google Adsense account
  • then submit your website for review.
  • Once your website is approved.
  • you will be able to add an AdSense code to your website and start earning money.
google AdSense approval [ fast approvals]
How to get google AdSense approval [ fast approvals]

Google AdSense approval requirements

1: Your site must be online and accessible to the public

Your website must be online and accessible to the public. This means that your site must be accessible through a web browser, and it must provide content that is both current and relevant to your target audience. Your site should also be designed in a way that makes it easy for people to find and use the features and functions that are important to them.

2: Your site must be well-designed and user-friendly.

A well-designed website is user-friendly and easy to navigate. It should be organized logically, and the graphics and layout should be easy to understand. The website should be responsive so that it looks good on all devices.

3: Your site must contain original content that is relevant to your niche.

Your site must contain original content that is your own. This means that you must not copy any content from any other sources without permission. If you use content from other sources, you must give credit to the source and include a link to the source. you can create SEO freindly content.

4: Your site must be free of excessive advertising.

One of the big complaints about the internet is that there is too much advertising. Ads can be intrusive, distracting, and annoying. They can also be a waste of money.
Your site should be free of excessive advertising. It means that there should be a minimal amount of ads. They should be placed where they are suitable.

5: have sufficent blog post

When you hear about Adsense anywhere, and you got domain hosting, you start blog writing, and you need to know how many posts are required to apply for AdSense approvals. There are 15- 30 posts must.

6: Your domain must be at least 6 month old

According to google AdSense, if you have a six-month-old domain, they give you preference for Adsense site approval. Give time to write the best article on your website, which will help you more.

7: use copyright free image

Copyright-free image has been a controversial topic in the past years. When you apply for google AdSense, if your website content has copyrighted images, it leads to disapproval from google Adsense, so I suggest you always use copyright-free images.

8: stick in your niche and structure for site

There are numerous ways that you should consider when planning your site. One of these methods is to stick within a niche and structure your site with it in mind.
The goal is to build a site around one specific topic and make sure to focus on the audience you want to target.
For example, building your blog around any niche, you want to make a subcategory that would be a good idea if you are a website owner interested in a specific niche.

9: do not voilate google adsense policy

The policy states that all publishers must comply with the terms and requirements of Google AdSense. Violation of this policy can result in the termination of your account. So I advise you not to violate google rules such as adult content, spammer, and any harmful activity on your website.

10: Check if Your Blog is Not Blocked by Google search engine.

Be sure your blog is allowed by Google because Adsense will check your blog statistics on their search engine. Need to know how to check it? Just search for “site:” on Google. If you find out search results, your blog is not blocked. But, if you do not, it is blocked. learn about robot.txt

11: create privacy policy and term and conditon page

create privacy policy and term and condtion pages on your website. alos you can read this article from google adsense that can help you to create these pages.

how can i get adsense approval tricks

There are certain conditions to be followed when going to Adsense approvals for your blog website. I always suggest following genius content to make a user-friendly website that can help you get AdSense approval easily and faster than any things. Copy and paste content between 150 and 250 words is sufficient. SEO friendliy article.

However, I can assure your journey toward Adsense is complete. How could a blog post or content be described in 150-250 words? It is impossible to describe a topic in 150-250 words. Anyone can become a blogger if they copy and paste the content. Google AdSense won’t approve blogs that have copy-pasted copyright content. you can read this article for writting SEO friedly content.

google adsense approval process

how to get adsense approval for wordpress blog

There are no special guidelines for WordPress blogs your content important. Improve your content and creativity. Just follow our blog post.

How long it takes for AdSense to approve?

There is no specific time to approve your application. It depends on the google Adsense team. It may take around one week to approve. check it on Google Publisher Policies.

How much traffic do you need for AdSense approval?

No specific traffic is needed for Adsense approval, so consider your 15 to 30 blog posts. It does not need much traffic.

How can I get AdSense approval in 1 minute?

This is not a relevant question because the google Adsense team needs to verify your website, so it takes time

How long does it take for an AdSense account to be approved?

There is no specific time to approve your application. It depends on the google Adsense team. It may take around one week to approve or more.

Conclusion: To be eligible for AdSense term policy, your website must meet certain criteria. First, your site must be online and accessible to the public. Second, your site must be well-designed and user-friendly. Third, your site must contain original content that is relevant to your niche. Finally, your site must be free of excessive advertising. If your website meets all of these criteria, you can apply for AdSense and start earning money from your website.

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Professional digital marketer and SEO experts. Enthusiast to write articles on WordPress tutorials, SEO, all about related to build a website.

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