How To Fix Adsense Ads.txt Error Message Issue On WordPress Or Blogger Platform?

 If you are a WordPress or Blogspot blogger and you are facing an ads.txt error message warning issue in your google Adsense account then you post

How To Fix Ads.txt Error Message Issue On WordPress Or Blogger Platform?  Let me share with step by step details.

If you want to solve this problem of error then read this article carefully.

What is Adsense and how it works on the website?

Google Adsense is an advertising program that automatically serves text, image, display, and video ads to publishers.  This is a service of Google, and its rules are very important.  To earn from Adsense, we have to follow its guideline.

   Adding your publisher ID to the Ads.txt file is one of them.  If we don't fix the issue then your AdSense earnings may get a bad impact, from it 

   What is Ads.txt?

   This is an IAB-approved text file that contains the publisher ID of the authorized account.  This will help you, children, from unauthorized accounts, accounts, and fraudulent account ad placement on your site.  This Ads.txt is best for the site and is better for security.

   Ads.txt file is available for Google Adsense, Doubleclick, and Adx Exchange.  When an Adsense publisher has an ads.txt error problem, then I type warning shows in his Adsense account.

   In the screenshot, you can clearly see the red bar that reads "Risk at Risk - One or more of your ads.txt files do not contain your AdSense publisher ID. Fix it now to avoid a serious impact on your revenue.

   Matlab will have a bad impact on our AdSense earnings if we don't fix the ads.txt error message issue.  That's why it is necessary to fix it.  You have to do the same code given in the ads.txt file.

   Fix Google AdSense Account Ads.txt Error Message 

   Although this problem occurs more in Google Blogspot blog but I am here to tell you,

how to fix the ads.txt issue in blogger or WordPress?

   To fix the problem of WordPress and blogger both platforms need the same ads.txt file, I am sharing detail for  WordPress users and blogger users to get the solution for the problems.

   How To Fix Blogger Ads.txt Error Problem follow these step by step?

   First of all, you need to log in to the site and go to Blogger Dashboard.

  1.  Go to Blogger Settings >> select monetization option
  2. Next, click on custom ads.txt and enable it 
  3. In a custom ad, you have to past your publisher id which you copied from Adsense.
  4.  save all changes you made.
  5. and your ads.txt problem solve


   Check it to view your site

   To save the file, you can open your site's ads.txt file by typing and confirming that the code you entered is correct or not.

   How To Fix WordPress Ads.txt Error Problem step by step?

   Ads.txt problem is very less for WordPress blog users but if you are getting then you can solve the problem by following the guideline.

   For this, you have to upload the same ads.txt file in the WordPress root directory.  You can create an ads.txt file using the direct FTP method, the Cpanel method, or the Ads.txt Manager plugin.

This plugin will create my ads.txt file in your WordPress root directory which you can manage in the WordPress dashboard.

  1. go to the WordPress dashboard
  2. and download the ads.txt plugin.
  3. then open that plugin 
  4. past code publisher code which you copied from AdSense.
  5. then save the setting.
  6. and your problem solve


   To save the file, open your site's ads.txt file by typing and verify whether the code you have entered is correct or incorrect.

   The problem of the ads.txt error message issue will be resolved in about 24 hours after you update the ads.txt file.

   Some seen answers related to Adsense ads.txt

Is Ads.txt Required?  Absolutely important, as it improves transparency in online advertising by allowing publishers to announce who sells their ad listings.  The Ads.txt file is publicly available and can be viewed by anyone (the advertiser).  If you use Google Adsense, Double Click, and ADX Exchange, then you can use it. 

 Well, you don't need ads.txt but when Adsense account.  It becomes necessary to do  How to know whether the website has Ads.txt file or not?  You just open the URL of the website where you want to see the ads.txt file by typing the bad /ads.txt of the domain, if we use the ads.txt file on the site it will be open to file Warn page not found error 404 error will come. 

Thanks for reading this blog if you found help do comment.


This is hameraram bokapatel, I’m enthusiastic to writing content in blogging, technology, stock market, career planning, personal development and more in depth of life.

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